Monday 8 February 2016

Bahia Magdalena and a few other places

Uh oh, it's been a bit too long since I put up a blog post. Bad Davie, no second Margarita until this post is published.

Pete and I left Turtle Bay at 0'dark thirty with light winds forecast for several days and about 50 miles to get to the nearest anchorage. We spent one night at Bahia Asuncion, then landed on the beach to get groceries and a nice lunch in the town. That afternoon the wind came up while we sailed to Bahia Hipolito. We spent 2 nights there, getting a few small projects done during the down day. We could not make the beach landing there because the surf was too high. Then it was on to Punta Abreohos (litterally 'open your eyes' because of some very hazardous rocks). We could not go ashore there either because of surf, and we could barely sleep with the boat pitching and rolling. So, with groceries a bit low, we set off for the 150 mile run to Bahia Santa Maria. I expected 2 nights on the ocean to cover this distance, but the wind came up from the NW at about 15 knots. This let us arrive late on the second day.
A good days fishing!

Tiny Tuna. Our First! VERY tasty!

 We beached the kayaks at B. Santa Maria despite the high surf because there were Mangroves ashore. Neither of us had seen Mangroves before, so we were determined to explore. After a fairly successful landing (no swimming), we discovered that they really do stink. Still, very cool to see so much vegetation in the desert. Launching the kayaks went well for Pete. I got a free swimming lesson when the surf rolled my kayak. Then I hurt my knee when I ran after my paddle and water bottle. Seems to be a torn meniscus, like I had a couple years ago. It's healing OK but takes quite a while. Pete climbed a nearby mountain the next day while I took Ibuprofin for the swelling.


Dave re-hanging the radar reflector.

Then it was time to motor on to Bahia Magdalena. 2 nights there and a few desparately needed groceries (not much of a store there, do not plan on getting much) helped. We had lunch at a restaurant on the beach. 2 pangas (small power boats) filled with whale-watching tourists beached and the restaurant filled to overflowing. Pete went back ashore later that afternoon and bought 3 lobsters from a local fisherman. We BBQ'd those for dinner and sailed off the next morning. It is another 150 mile run from B. Magdalena to Cabo San Lucas. This time it did take 2 nights of keeping watches on the ocean to get there. We motored in on Sunday Jan 31, set the hook, and stayed...
Lobstrosity killer!

Yum! Our first grilled lobsters.

More from sunny Cabo San Lucas in the next post.

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